03 Knowledge about Spirits

Knowledge about Baijiu. - History - Production - Tasting - etc.

⚠️News⚠️ Dutch Mixologist Won the Bronze Medal with Shuntun Baijiu Cocktail in NCC 2024 Organised by NBC!

Statement: After having some great cocktails at Amsterdam Cocktail Week

Taxonomy of Alcoholic Beverages

Forewords The current classification of distilled spirits faces two significant

Anatomy of Alcoholic Drinks

Anatomy of Alcoholic Drinks There are 3 parts of any

Understanding the Concept of Shop Daughters | Winkeldochter?

"Winkeldochter" = Shop Daughters The term "winkeldochter"

How to taste Baijiu?

This Brief Baijiu Tasting Guide Line is made by the

What is Baijiu? (Podcast: Baijiu Special met ISAAC DrankCast)

Baijiu is a distilled spirit from China, considered the national

Baijiu | The Baichiew History

Baijiu's history, rooted in China's agrarian past, showcases the evolution from natural fermentation to sophisticated distillation. Reflecting ancient societal advancements, its origins may date back 800-8000 years, highlighting the deep cultural significance of alcohol in Chinese history.