PANDA Cocktail 022: Silent Ripples by Nikita @NEXT-NDSM, Amsterdam

PANDA Cocktail 022: Silent Ripples by Nikita @NEXT-NDSM, Amsterdam

An ACW Listed Bar Not Shown on the Map

The recently concluded Amsterdam Cocktail Week (ACW) featured 17 bars, offering a colorful and flavorful celebration. NEXT-NDSM, the only bar on the list but could not be shown on the map due to map area limitation, is located in the northern part of Amsterdam at NDSM. You can easily reach it by taking a ferry from the northern side of Amsterdam Centraal (the Amsterdam Central Station) and arriving at NDSM after disembarking.

Today, I brought Baijiu with me to meet Nikita, a Ukrainian mixologist. Since he had never worked with Baijiu before, I shared with him its history, craftsmanship, and tasting techniques. After considering the spirit for a moment, he reached for a bottle of green aloe vera jam and said, “I know what to do…”

He then got to work, and the result was a cocktail, which I’ve named "Silent Ripples."


This cocktail is a multi-layered exploration of flavors. The delicate Baijiu and lychee liqueur form the base, enhanced by the complexity of Fino Sherry and the refreshing touch of lemon acid. The subtle aroma of aloe vera jam and plum bitters rounds out the flavor, with a hint of saltwater to elevate the overall taste. Here is the tasting note for this cocktail:

👀 Appearance
The liquid is a pale golden yellow with a slight haze, likely from the aloe vera juice. A soft layer of foam, created by the foamer, sits atop the drink, adding a smooth texture to its appearance. The foam not only provides visual contrast but also hints at the light body of the cocktail.

👃 Aroma
On the nose, the sweet scent of lychee intertwines with the light nutty fragrance of Fino Sherry, offering a rich and layered aroma. The freshness of lemon acid quickly follows, adding a lively zest. The herbal note of aloe vera subtly emerges, bringing a natural freshness, while the tart fruitiness of plum bitters lingers in the background.

👅 Taste
The first sip reveals the strong body of Baijiu, followed by the sweet and fruity flavor of lychee liqueur. Fino Sherry adds a touch of saltiness and a hint of oxidation, adding complexity to the drink. The bright acidity of lemon balances the natural freshness of the aloe vera, and the plum bitters add the finishing touch. A small amount of saltwater expertly enhances the flavors of each component, making the structure compact and the layers distinct.

💬 Evaluation ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This cocktail excels in its refined balance, where various flavors are woven together while maintaining their uniqueness. Baijiu provides a solid foundation, while the pairing of lychee and Fino Sherry offers a rich yet elegant contrast of fruity and salty notes. The combination of lemon acid and aloe vera juice lends a refreshing character, and the plum bitters and a pinch of saltwater deepen the flavors. This cocktail is perfect for an afternoon or pre-dinner drink, offering a refreshing yet complex experience—a memorable exploration of layered flavors.

🧾 Recipes

  • Baijiu 40 ml
  • Lychee Liquor 20 ml
  • Fino Sherry 20ml
  • Lemon Acid 25 ml
  • Aloe Vera Jam 20 gr
  • Plum Bitters 2-3 dashes
  • Salt Solution 2 dashes
  • Foamee 1 dash