PANDA Cocktail 021: Oolong Tail, Simon @Mr Finch, Utrecht

PANDA Cocktail 021: Oolong Tail, Simon @Mr Finch, Utrecht

Bartender: Simon @simondanielbartending
Bar: Mr Finch fine drink (Drieharingstraat 5, 3511 BH Utrecht)

Quite good collection of cocktail ingredients, and the owner wants to collect a lot of tasty drinks unknown, said the bartender.

Of course, Shuntun Baijiu is unknown to the most of people. SHUNTUN is the 1st bottle of Baijiu in this bar.

After trying Baijiu with me, Simon started to play with Baijiu after a short while of thinking, during which, he looked on the shelf full of spirits and liquors.

Voila! This is Oolong Tail. Sorry, I rename it from Tea Time with Baijiu.


The cocktail boasts a clear, pale yellow hue with a slight greenish tint, thanks to the Jasmine Verte. A thin, glossy surface is topped with a bright twist of lemon peel, adding a refreshing visual pop.


On the nose, the drink opens with a delicate floral aroma from the Jasmine Verte, complemented by the zesty brightness of freshly expressed lemon peel. Subtle undertones of earthy Baijiu add complexity, while the orange bitters offer a faint but pleasant citrusy spice.


The first sip delivers a beautifully balanced experience, with the soft floral sweetness of Jasmine Verte leading the way, quickly followed by the distinct grainy and slightly funky notes of Shuntun Baijiu. The malic acid provides a crisp, apple-like acidity that cuts through the richness, making the drink feel fresh and lively. The orange bitters add just a touch of bitterness, rounding out the flavor profile and leaving a lingering citrusy finish. Each element works harmoniously, creating a cocktail that’s as refreshing as it is complex.


  • Shuntun Baijiu 35ml
  • Jasmine Verte 10ml
  • Malic Acid 5ml
  • Orange Bitter 2 dashes
  • Garnish: Lemon Peel

Let's stir~