🐼 x🍹Baijiu Cocktail 011: Happy Ending 圓滿

🐼 x🍹Baijiu Cocktail 011: Happy Ending 圓滿
Hans, Kevin and Oisin at The Dublin House in Zwolle.

On June 18, 2024, Lucas Bols Cocktail Battle final in the Netherlands took place in Amsterdam. I was honoured to participate as an observer. The 1st place was taken by Dante, a bartender from Belgium, while the 2nd place and 3rd place were both taken by bartenders from the Dublin House and Peacock Bar in Zwolle.

On my liquor store visiting route towards the east of Utrecht, I would really keep going as far as 135 km to end up in Zwolle, to meet up the very skilled mixologists in Zwolle, no matter what weather it is.

Check My Ride on D2 of PANDA Week 29.

PANDA Week 29 2024 - 350km
Total Distance: 353 km Cities/Towns Visited: Zeist, Driebergen, Maarn, Leersum, Veenendaal, Amersfoort, Soest, Barneveld, Apeldoorn, Zwolle, Wijthmen, Kampen, Dronten, Lelystad, Enkhuizen. Cocktails created: 2 1. Baijiu Kopstootje, Sumventure Flightbar, Utrecht 2. Baijiu Happy Ending, The Dublin Bar, Zwolle The Diary of the Cycling Days D1 16th, July, 2024 GreenBusinessDevelopment:


Zwolle is the capital city of Overijssel, a charming city in the northeast of the Netherlands, known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, rich history, and vibrant cultural activities. As you stroll through its ancient streets, you can admire the magnificent St. Michael’s Church and Sassenpoort, feeling the deep historical ambiance. The city boasts diverse museums and art galleries, including the Thomas à Kempis Museum, which showcases the life and works of the renowned religious author. Nature enthusiasts will enjoy the serene surroundings of the IJssel River and Park de Wezenlanden. Whether you are a history buff, a culinary explorer, or a nature lover, Zwolle promises an unforgettable journey.

Thomas à Kempis (1379-1471) was a German-Dutch canon regular, mystic, and author of one of the most influential Christian devotional books, “The Imitation of Christ.” His work has inspired countless believers and remains a cornerstone of Christian spirituality. Thomas à Kempis lived most of his life in Zwolle.

In Zwolle, the 1st liquor store selling Chinese Baijiu in the history is called Slijterij Bartels, since April of 2024. Welcome to bring my regards to the Bartels.

The Dublin House and Peacock Bar

The Dublin House and Peacock Bar are owned by the same owners. However they are very different.

The Dublin House is typical European style bar and restaurants with indoor area and outdoor terrace. It is very nice to sit on the terrace surrounded by the ancient architectures with friends next to you and a few glasses of ice-cold beers on the table. At the same time, the live Irish music bands are playing on certain evenings every week indoor. The food and snacks are delicious here. If you are going to have some food and drink, this is definitely the over-qualified place.

Peacock Bar is a speakeasy bar. The cocktail bartenders in Peacock Bar only use house made syrups, shrubs and cordials to created their owns special cocktails. The bartender showed me the special liquids in many many bottles, which are amazing. I tasted some of them randomly, and according to my experience and sommelier skills, these liquids are made of natural ingredients. I will write about SPEAKEASY BAR with an independent post, because a speakeasy bar is another level, there are certain criteria to be a real speakeasy bar. By the way, if you don't know the name of Peacock Bar and if you don't ask around, you might not be able to find Peacock Bar. I won't spoil it here, then you can still have the surprise.

Kevin Marchant & Happy Ending

Kevin Marchant won the 2nd place of the Lucas Bols, however from a different angle, he is the best. Let me explain it later. That's why I am much motivated to visit Zwolle this time.

I hardly push and squeeze my bike into the piles of bikes parking in front of the Dublin House, walk straight into the bar for the target. I did some preparation on the way, to check the faces in the photos I took 3 weeks ago, I just don't want to call people with wrong names. However, it happens 30% of times. How could anyone be sure to remember every face?

Once doesn't count.

Meeting someone once doesn't mean there is connection of friendship. The relationship is called acquaintance, a person one knows slightly but who is not a close friend, at most. How much do I remember Kevin?

  1. Handsome guy.
  2. Serious guy with flavors.
  3. Professional in hospitality.
  4. Most importantly, he understands what a cocktail fit into Disco theme. What is a Disco theme? Do you remember what is a speakeasy bar? On contrary to speakeasy bar, a Disco theme require every single cocktail recipe is as easy as you can get everything you need in a Albert Heijn. The cocktail recipe should never contains anything hard to prepare and no more than 5 different ingredients.
This is the 2nd picture I took. The 1st was denied by Kevin, because he said SHUNTUN label should face the right direction for 2 reaons: 1. The clients should know what they are drinking; 2. The picture should tell the world which brand that bartenders are using.

As I met Kevin the cocktail competition, and we had very little words. So I have to start over again about what Baijiu is. Kevin takes out a tasting cup, poured exactly amount of Baijiu to reach the level with maximum surface size within the cup.

He skips checking the colour of Baijiu as I tell him that Baijiu is always crystal clear since Chinese Baijiu is aged in an unglazed porcelain jar. I can see Baijiu is really tricky, really a challenge. As some people say Baijiu is like funky rum, but a lot more than funky rum. I agree with that, because I've tried a lot of funky rum.

Kevin finally says I am ready!

No fancy moves, but smooth and precise. In about 2 minutes 20 seconds ± 1 seconds, vois-la!

Ah oh, everything but Vermouth, a fortified wine flavored with various botanicals.

During the mixing process, Kevin talks to me, as he has already known what to do with the drink. "How was your ride today?"

I reply with "I started Utrecht 10:00am this morning, and I visited Leersum, Barneveld, then Apeldoorn and finally here. 129km, till now. And I am going to Wijthmen later."

"Wednesday Thursday Friday!" (This is Chinese way of saying WTF 😂)

"This is the power of will for your cocktail." or "My will of creating more connections between the East and the West."

"In the end, after all the miles, the flat tyre, the bumpy road, I deserve such a Happy Ending."

Happy Ending is always good, not necessarily in a sexual way.

The funny phenomenon in the world is that a lot of neutral words have been shifted to something that you don't want to know about. In China, Xiaojie (小姐) used to be a formal title of a girl from a prominent family, now, Xiaojie (小姐)is alternative way of calling a prostitute. Happy Ending in Chinese originally means “圓滿結局”. A “圆满结局” (yuán mǎn jié jú) refers to a “perfect ending” or “satisfying conclusion” where all conflicts are resolved, and all characters achieve happiness or fulfillment. It implies that the story or situation concludes in the best possible way, leaving everyone content and pleased with the outcome.

After 130 km bicycle ride, visited a few liquor stores, made new friends on the way, a little exhausted and finally drinking a cup of cocktail created with SHUNTUN Baijiu, a brand I created, by the top notch mixologist in the Netherlands, from the Ancient City of Zwolle, where the great Theologist Thomas a Kempis used to live. Isn't it a Happy Ending simpler than hustling with another person to get naked? Isn't it a Happy Ending a lot more than reciprocating piston movement?

Finally, let's redefine Happy Ending:

  1. Safely arrived the destination, despite of some problems, encountering some positive things, meeting the people you want to meet, expectation being met;
  2. Drinking a cup of Happy Ending.
  3. After all these happened, you say to yourself, "you deserve it", without any shame at all.

The strange thing is, sometimes, even we achieve what we want, but we feel shame of ourselves. Then, it is NOT a Happy Ending.


Pale yellow, with fine fruit pulp fibers.


A faint aroma of peach and pineapple.


As the liquid touches my lips, it's cool; the sourness comes first, immediately followed by sweetness and fruitiness, breaking the usual expectation of detecting sweetness on the tip of the tongue first. This sensation truly encapsulates the day's journey—a mix of the soreness in my muscles and ass from the cycling, culminating in the joy of savoring fine cocktail upon reaching Zwolle. How delightful!

Delayed gratification brings greater pleasure.

Recipe (Quantity is in the confirmation process)

  • Shuntun Baijiu (順屯白酒)
  • Peach Tree
  • Fresh Lemonade Juice
  • Vermouth
  • Ms. Better's Mt. Fuji Bitters
Sláinte! An Irish word, which means “health” and is commonly used as a toast, is pronounced /ˈslɑːntʃə/.

Proost! 乾杯!Cheers!

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